Add trade

hell nah. Future is planning on adding microtransactions so this would just become another one of those games where all anyone does is trade


like i said disable trade

im so fking confused what you mean by this in

disable trade so other spammers can’t trade u

just dont add it to begin with not trying to play a pvp game just for it to be a trading sim :joy:


“Add trade and the System”

This can be exploited. No.

What does spammers have to do with people buying rare skins?

would be cool

I mean a little bit, but still :/

stop hating

“Add trade :speaking_head:

not even hating this will just turn realmz into annoying ah “Trade me and scamfest” rather than pvp rpg type game

Microtransanactions will only be cosmetic

Ik but with trading it would make it rough

money laundering

nu uh brah

yuh huh