Am I tryhard?

my first 1m coins for today :D its my first time

this one too

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same with this one…

not even close to tryharding
look at V1 when we were al getting 20 million coins + a day :skull:
and we were on ALL day :skull:

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that’s not true


exposed roger

maybe i was exaggerating a lil bit
more like 5 mil *fax this time
20 mil + is acol things


i already said the 2- mil is more acols things
the normal ppl were like 2-3-4-5 mil and all that

ahemm… i did reaserch about that and its true but you may have forgot that this v2 version is much harder and complex… i look at wiki and everything bro :skull: and youtube videos too

im too old a v1 player and i just came back after a few years for v2 :skull:

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it changed trust me i looked at swordbattle videos and it changed a lot…

ah gotcha :skull_and_crossbones:

yea… xp is harder to grind, getting coins is much harder


nuh uh
thats only acol XD

uh no
acol and his grinder

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I’m either trailing you or passing you

not really… 5 million was hard to get in a day and the coins were easier to grind back then… (chests)

shut up #400 in the world, no one asked

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