Best swordbattle screenshot wins $10

help me


I’m not touching that


edited smh :roll_eyes:
I cant believe :sparkles: Incognitoes :sparkles: would try to cheat…

noo i would nevah

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well i mean in all fairness number1’s is also obviously edited?


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what do you mean lol i didnt i only edited and others also edited this looks like :sparkles: targeting :sparkles:

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lmao :laughing:

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It is?

it is, why else would the health bar be on the side??

Oh yeah, I thought he just rotated the screenshot but that makes sense I suppose

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if he were to rotate the screenshot, the waves wouldnt be looking like they usually are lol

Its edited so no

thats me og my alt

no i good

no? quote one that is edited??

That’s just flipping the thing 90 degrees

i miss my camera :(

Is it js me or does anyone else see that the position of the player and rotation of sword for every 2 players are the same except for the last which obv was the real? Idk what bro thought with this one :rofl::sob::pray:

acol is the noob default is the pro

fr though
some of the "Player"s are really good.