Can someone do me a favor?

I will Ummmm jump of a 2 ft bridge :D

Ok I went back to Augest 2022 snapshot and…
f- I hoped this was not the case but snapshots don’t save code and only HTML… So I can’t see…


Stop being off-topic we have a problem to slay

Im a afk with the replit list going down…

I’m startng to think this is impossible

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When i try to look it gives me a 404 lol

Are you signed into replit?

Okay, there you go
Everyone please react with a skull emoji to pay respects to my computer for dying

How long it take you? Shessh

About 45 minutes
I was bored


Was it worth it?

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I am never doing that again as my computer has been fried

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I am curious on why it is fried

Well fried is a bit of an over exaggeration but my fan was working pretty hard

Bro is followed by replit themselves




Dude isn’t it crazy that Replit was one of your first followers?!

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Dude keep a ss and store it smwhere safe

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