Concept: Taming Wolves

so a evol like Tamer would be nice.

Berserker evolves into Tamer
its basically a berserker with small changes for fairness and balancing but can control wolves.

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I’ll make it one of the evols of the new update

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Someone will find a way to exploit it xD


(uses hacks, gets 1,000,000 wolves to attack players)

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nah, this game becoming minecraft

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should be like
less health
less speed
and smaller

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Can tamer tame bosses or other species? Is it why you added mooses again?

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Smaller well it means smaller hit box which is worse.

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smaller sword- weaker

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why the heck would their be a smaller sword? isn’t that already a thing in sb? i mean look at the icecream skin also that a lot of nerfs plus you know they can kill wolves easily right?

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all skins have the same hitbox


swords are all the same hitbox no matter their experience

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My personal opinion for how the Tamer should work.

Tier 2 Evol

0.5 Speed
0.25/0.5 Damage

Ability tames nearby creatures and strengthens already tamed creatures.
25s cooldown

Bunny - 100% Chance (Doesn't damage, but will collect coins)
Moose - 75% (Attacks attacked players)
Wolf - 50% Chance (Attacks attacked players)
Yeti - 25% Chance (Attacks attacked players)
Triheaded Dragon - 10% Chance (Attacks attacked players)
Any Boss - 1% Chance (Attacks attacked players)

__You can only have 5 at a time.__

Most of this stuff is probably pretty easy to code, considering Gautam already made the tamed wolf code.

oh yah, and would the tamed wolves be able to leave the grasslands?
and would it work like they just follow you around?

also more suggestions:
when 1 wolf in your pack gets attacked, they should all attack the player/bot who attacked it.

good idea but what happens if u accidentally attack ur wolves

umm, except you


in my opinion wolf is stronger

change that to 0.1%

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