Daily challenges

Should there be daily challenges such as

survive for 2 hours in a day
Get 250,000 coins.
Get a 100,000 round.
get 250 kills.

And each one you complete gives you coins.


i can get rich :smiling_imp:

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these are just examples

The 250,000 a day is easy cause pros get it, in one day and 250 kills in a day is easy
my highest was 650 something


yea so let it stay so we can get rich :smiling_imp:

Yea would entice people to play more


I would be down with that

And me to get rich :money_mouth_face:

I fell like this would need to be balanced but I really like the achievement reward idea

lol ikr

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Yea you could do all of these in one run

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Just got all of these in one run other then the 250 kills first try it would be easy to do

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Just time consuming

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