How many people play an instrument

I stopped learning the piano…

Lost motivation to practice :person_shrugging:

I just play by ear, sheet music, and …

:skull: lol


Cheesy, I’ve been in choir before but now I play drums, xylophone and timpani

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Danggg 3?!

Percussionists often have to know how to play a lot of percussion instruments

Why is that? Are they all similar?

Me with like 30…

No, everyone thought percussion is easy in middle school because it’s all hitting stuff and it is but you have to learn a lot of instruments in band to be a percussionist

In our percussion you had to learn flute, xylophone, drums, bongos, symbols and other junk

@_@ that’s a lot!

Flute?!?! Since when is flute percussion

bro plays the image

i can play hot cross buns on a recorder :triumph:

Womp womp womp wOoOoOoOoOompppp

Idk they work with our chior team alot and in one of the plays they played flute.

I can play Rush E…