I bought tank and calculator!!

I got tank and calculator I am RARE


Very rare

he bought calculator

medium rare mmmmmm very delish

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but im rarer
im like the 2nd person who bought calculator

i bought every skin exept the snowglobe and the miner Too many gems

Same lol

Not counting og ones tho I didn’t play enough og :sob:

I got every one except assassin and dragon
I could have gotten assassin but i waited for too long :sob:
and if i didn’t leave i could have gotten dragon.

Assassin sword is dope tho :sob:

Nice bro

Im just missing snow globe lol. Skin to pricy not to be confused with the miner skin

I have 650K gems not much I cant earn like 10k a day at least not hard

I got like 80k lol

Buying something with low buy count isn’t really rare since its gonna have a bunch of buys in the future thats why basically only more expensive skins are more rare

Let him have his moment…


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buying miners?


uhh, okay, i bought 30 skins

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I got over 200 skins owned on my account D:

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