I need y'all opinion

When I was in Elementary or grade school, I was really good at school stuff.
Got A+s in all of my subjects.
But lately, I’ve noticed my skill dropping.
And I feel like it might be because of forums.

During 6th grade, I was like the Top-Of-The-Class guy, and did good on every test and assignment.
And during the beginning of 7th grade, I was also doing good.

Now, I’ve already been playing SB since middle-endish 6th grade, and it didn’t affect me.
But during Winter Break in 7th grade, I joined forums.

And after that stuff happened.

I started spending less time on assignments and studying for tests.
Now this wasn’t a major problem, because I was still doing good in my classes.
Then Idk what happened, but I started becoming uh, less smart ig.
There are at least 3 things that led to this happening, but the main one was definitely forums.

But it still wasn’t a concern at the time, because I was still doing good.

Then came late 2nd semester, and for the first time since I can remember, I got a C on a math test.
At that point I took a sort of break from stuff like forums and concentrated on school.
I got an A on the next test, waved it off as the subject being too confusing, and went back to my normal routine.

But now, I got a C on my history test.
And its concerning, because I’m REALLY good at history, and the topic was something I already knew.
Now, I only got 3 questions wrong, but the questions were weighted in a way that it hurt my grade.
But I got As on the 2 previous tests so idk really.

So, after a day of thinking, I came here:
I want to ask you guys, should I quit forums, or should I not?
And I don’t feel like there can be a “Be less active” option, because everytime I try, I end up going to every topic and staying there.

So I ask, what would you do in my situation?

  • Quit
  • Stay
0 voters

If you read this far, I thank you for being caring that much.
Normally I don’t like posts that say stuff like “I’m leaving”, but I felt like I needed your guys’s opinions on what I should do.
If any of you think of an alternative that lets me stay, please share that.
(btw, calendars don’t work for me, like ever.)


I think you should leave, but who will start NS2? @A-bot_Moonblade

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too long to read, i just saw forums and quit, combined the two together… sooo idk

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I’ve already started taking a break from forums and swordbattle cause my grades are starting to suck but also cause theres nothing happening anymore I don’t see the point in staying when nothing is gonna change right now

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Even though my grades are dropping right now. I can’t just leave to bring it back up. I love you guys as a family. God said everyone are your brother and your sister.

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I also am an all A student surprisingly
but forum does not effect my grades at all maybe since i never study


Grades are more important than an online forum, so if you have to leave to keep your grades from suffering, then you prob should. Tbh the forum prob isn’t going to help you get anywhere in the long run.

Maybe if you prioritize you don’t have to leave tho. If you make sure you do your homework and study first, with no exceptions, and if you have any free time you could get on the forum? Dont know if it could actually work, but just an idea.


I can do NS2 if you want me to.

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I hard failed french cause i played sb and was on forum i failed loads of other classes too idc i just got my life together and stopped playing do what you must

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A-bot. I get it man. Me speaking to you as your friend, I think you should take a little time away. That’s what I would do. Try to find a balance between forums and sb, and homework and schoolwork. (also I just skimmed it reading “before forums… A+……after learning forums C… quit…. Good grades… bad grades…) anyway… IMAGINE GETTING A C ON UR TEST COULDNT BE ME jkjkjkjkjk. I got a c once…. My mom got mad. But I agree with you. Sb and forums is a bit of a distraction. Maybe limiting forums to the bus ride, and sb after you finish your homework. Hope you find a balance. :slight_smile:

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Cough Cough nobody asked XD

:frowning: awwww

I might either move it to discord which is was planning for some time or i might do it again later when i come back

Absolutely quit. Don’t even think about it. Grades 8 - 9 do get a little steep in terms of difficulty, not entirely forum related. The start of high-school, though, can devastate anyone (first year of high school was the first time I began studying. I still lost a full 10 grade points, from mid 80s to 72. Almost failed math)

better to be over-prepared than under-prepared.

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i am just lucky i remember even when i don’t pay attention
but quit
abt others but quit to keep it together

that’s because elementary school doesn’t give you real grades

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elementary is EZ

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Why tf does this sound exactly like what happened to me wtf?