When I was in Elementary or grade school, I was really good at school stuff.
Got A+s in all of my subjects.
But lately, I’ve noticed my skill dropping.
And I feel like it might be because of forums.
During 6th grade, I was like the Top-Of-The-Class guy, and did good on every test and assignment.
And during the beginning of 7th grade, I was also doing good.
Now, I’ve already been playing SB since middle-endish 6th grade, and it didn’t affect me.
But during Winter Break in 7th grade, I joined forums.
And after that stuff happened.
I started spending less time on assignments and studying for tests.
Now this wasn’t a major problem, because I was still doing good in my classes.
Then Idk what happened, but I started becoming uh, less smart ig.
There are at least 3 things that led to this happening, but the main one was definitely forums.
But it still wasn’t a concern at the time, because I was still doing good.
Then came late 2nd semester, and for the first time since I can remember, I got a C on a math test.
At that point I took a sort of break from stuff like forums and concentrated on school.
I got an A on the next test, waved it off as the subject being too confusing, and went back to my normal routine.
But now, I got a C on my history test.
And its concerning, because I’m REALLY good at history, and the topic was something I already knew.
Now, I only got 3 questions wrong, but the questions were weighted in a way that it hurt my grade.
But I got As on the 2 previous tests so idk really.
So, after a day of thinking, I came here:
I want to ask you guys, should I quit forums, or should I not?
And I don’t feel like there can be a “Be less active” option, because everytime I try, I end up going to every topic and staying there.
So I ask, what would you do in my situation?
- Quit
- Stay
If you read this far, I thank you for being caring that much.
Normally I don’t like posts that say stuff like “I’m leaving”, but I felt like I needed your guys’s opinions on what I should do.
If any of you think of an alternative that lets me stay, please share that.
(btw, calendars don’t work for me, like ever.)