Incognitoes be like

So i just found a method on that would change the the game for ever.


If we added .jars to

Whats a .jar?

In Java, a JAR (Java Archive) is a compressed file format that packages Java class files, associated metadata, and resources into a single file. JAR files simplify the distribution of Java applications and libraries. They can contain compiled Java classes, images, property files, and other resources needed for a Java application to run.

Key points about JAR files in Java:

Compression: JAR files use the ZIP file format for compression, making it efficient for storage and distribution.

Manifest File: A JAR file includes a manifest file (META-INF/MANIFEST.MF) that contains metadata about the contents of the JAR, including the main class for executable JARs.

Classpath: JAR files can specify their own classpath, allowing them to be easily included in the classpath of other Java applications.

Executable JARs: JAR files can be made executable by including a manifest file with a “Main-Class” attribute, specifying the class containing the main method to start the application.

Library Packaging: JAR files are commonly used to package and distribute Java libraries, making it convenient for developers to include them in their projects.

To create a JAR file, you can use the jar command-line tool that comes with the Java Development Kit (JDK). For example, to create a JAR file named myapp.jar with a specified manifest file and include all class files in the com/example directory, you might use the command: jar cfm myapp.jar Manifest.txt -C

This could be very useful as we could add mods to

Whats a mod?

In the context of computer games, a “mod” (short for modification) refers to a user-created alteration or extension of a pre-existing game. Mods can take various forms, including changes to gameplay mechanics, addition of new content, graphical enhancements, or tweaks to the user interface. The modding community plays a significant role in the gaming ecosystem, contributing creativity and diversity to the gaming experience.

Key points about mods:

Types of Mods:

Gameplay Mods: Alter or enhance the mechanics and rules of the game.
Content Mods: Add new characters, items, levels, or quests.
Graphical Mods: Improve or change the game’s visuals.
Total Conversions: Overhaul the entire game, creating a substantially different experience.
Modding Tools:

Many game developers provide modding tools or SDKs (Software Development Kits) to encourage mod creation.
Common tools include level editors, script editors, and mod management tools.
Community and Collaboration:

Modding communities often form around popular games, fostering collaboration and sharing of mods.
Platforms like Steam Workshop provide centralized hubs for users to upload, share, and subscribe to mods.
Legal Considerations:

Some game developers encourage modding, while others have specific policies or restrictions.
Intellectual property rights and terms of service may impact the legality of certain mods.
Impact on Gaming Culture:

Mods can extend the lifespan of a game by introducing new content and experiences.
Successful mods may influence game development practices, inspiring official features or expansions.

In Minecraft, mods can introduce new creatures, tools, or even entirely new dimensions.
The Elder Scrolls series is known for its modding community, with mods ranging from graphical enhancements to entirely new questlines.
Modding allows players to tailor their gaming experience, fostering creativity and community engagement within the gaming community.


dawg :skull:
how do these coincidences occur to me almost daily

Truly a recommendation to game


uhh…totally, completely, absolutely, entirely, wholly, fully, thoroughly, utterly, downright, 100 percent, inaccurate.

hmm…but what even is the word inaccurate?

language serves as a powerful tool for communication, allowing individuals to convey thoughts, ideas, and information. within this intricate web of words, the term “inaccurate” stands as a sentinel, guarding the realm of precision and truth. in this essay, we will delve into the multifaceted nature of the word “inaccurate,” exploring its implications, consequences, and the challenges it poses in our quest for genuine understanding.

at its core, “inaccurate” refers to information that deviates from accuracy or fails to represent the truth. it encompasses a broad spectrum, ranging from minor errors to deliberate distortions. the term encapsulates the fragility of the language we use, as it draws attention to the potential pitfalls and challenges inherent in the process of communication.

inaccuracy manifests itself in various degrees, and its impact can be felt across different domains of human interaction. whether in scientific research, journalism, or everyday conversations, the consequences of disseminating inaccurate information can be profound. in scientific endeavors, for instance, a single inaccurate data point can lead to skewed conclusions, hindering progress and innovation.

in conclusion, the word “inaccurate” invites us to reflect on the delicate nature of language and the responsibilities it entails. as we navigate the complex web of communication, it is imperative to be cognizant of the potential for inaccuracies and actively work towards upholding the principles of precision and truth. only through a collective commitment to accuracy can we ensure that our words truly reflect the depth and richness of the ideas we seek to convey.

If I want to flag your post for making me feel like I’m in a classroom again :augh: I just spent 5 hours in one

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Bruh this is an inaccurate portrayal of incognitoes… he doesn’t capitalize.

hah exactly…

(was waiting for someone to point that out xd)

Ill flag you :imp:

Muwahahaha my flag gives auto-silence >:) :smiling_imp::smiling_imp::smiling_imp::smiling_imp:

Me too

incognitoes is the only reason this forum is still alive 1/2 of my feed is his stuff lol

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Swordbattle… mods… hm

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