Issue With Swordbattle Replit


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so then what’s the problem?

wehn i run the repl
its saying that its either unavailable of blocked
and prob not blocked cause I’m on my home computer
so idk what to do
I made like 4 evolutions
and I cant make a new repl

repl’s don’t work anymore.
you have to pay if you want to use replit.

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RIP hue u trying to get the badge that u need 10 solutions? that’s what I want :sob:

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Replit doesnt work no more lmao. its goofy af

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dev server

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ye XD

its very hard to get solutions :sob:

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Still not a solution tho…

whoever solves the problem will get the solution from me

What hue said replit changed the way they do stuff…

they have to make their mo ney bro :sob:

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You can host a local swordbattle on GitHub, but you’ll have to ask Gautam how to set that up

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you mean like a server where ppl can just join right?

idk I think ppl would be able to join

Thats how they all get you bro :sob:

Gautam knows the secrets D:

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gautam is like that soemtimes


Bro knows the secret of life also???

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