Magma Ninja Skin (Spino)

Bruh… check the times :sob:

The other post has like twice as more

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Yeah i saw that, thats crazy tho… I CANT imagine if there was that many of the same genre of a skin… That would be a good group photo, everyone having a different one equipped and taking a photo

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we NEED this

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Can u flip the sword the other way round

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out of all the ninja skins, this is my fav

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Why wasent this added in the skin update :sob: ALSO @Cartoonius CONGRATS ON UR FIRST SKINS GOING IN GAME!!!

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Yeah! cartoon makes it hue, so we all know it would be a bop :fire:

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Keep these ones

@Amethyst made a cool recolor

Recolors are easy lol

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