My crossover ideas that are never gonna happen part 1: Terraria

…your poor fingers.


I mean, it wouldn’t be too hard to get permission, actually, Terraria brought a game with 120k players to 2.3 million, as they presented a good idea to the re-logic devs


It was fun!

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…as long as you have fun I guess lol


Do like the mitblade shampoo vanity?


probably the best thing there also call him mitbald :wink:



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I can do that!

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idea: what about a Cavern layer in sb? the Cavern would be much bigger than the regular map, and would have a few different things. traps like pressure plates that send boulders or darts at you, a dead man’s chest, pretty much a gold chest that explodes and does damage once it is broken. a life crystal, something that, once broken, temporarily increases health by 25%. there could also be a sword shrine where when you break it, it gives you and enchanted sword that does 25% more damage and you can’t throw it but it shoots a sword beam.
and an underground town, where there is

  1. a pylon that tps you to a random location on the map
  2. a goblin tinkerer which gives you different reforges on your sword
  3. a sword-themed merchant that gives you these weapons for coins-
    bladetongue, an upgrade to the enchanted sword that also decreases enemy health
    psycho knife, that gives you 200% attack speed but 30% attack damage
    blade staff, which gives you a summon that attacks without knockback(you can buy mulitple)
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O! I love that idea!

also @DOOMSLAYER sorry doom is taking so long, i haven’t played since 19’

it’s alright

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i’m a patient person

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You might wanna patient your way over to challenge 16

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yes ik

how do you think all this up my mind ached by the end of just skimming over it theres so much

cool ideas tho

yes ik its all pretty hard to read

whats your fav game


I really wonder…

it could be terraria, but there’s no proof of that, so idk…

mine is spiritfarer ot popular but its fun