penguin skin ๐Ÿง

This looks like it would fit in a left-right game not a top-down game like swordbattle

Vsauce reference?

thatโ€™s true I can get rid of the feet

leave the feet

nah it looks too left-right with the feet

@coolguy53 howโ€™s that?

Kinda better I guess

what would you do to improve it? just trying to get some feedback here

I feel like the reason is because the eyes are at the top? Maybe??? Idk


this is a top down game right? Then why do a lot of skins have eyes on top of their head :laughing:

That was my fault


If you look at all my skins youโ€™ll see theyโ€™re not top down
Didnโ€™t figure this out until a few months ago

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This skin looks great though, another banger by frumps

what app do yall use? i use chrome canvas and google slides but I cant get the right textures

frumpy uses Vectr and he even made a tutorial about it. Check it out if youโ€™re interested.

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heeees BACK

W sword

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