Promotion to the tierlist

I’m asking @everyone, the @moderators, and @gautam to make The Fanmade Tierlist into the Swordbattle V2 OFFICIAL tierlist. The community, the Tier Testers, and the Editors have put a lot of work into this tierlist and I think it’s time to promote this tierlist. Who agrees with me?

  • Yes, makes the tierlist the official tierlist
  • Nope, don’t care about it
0 voters
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penguin is meanie


why is that? People can have different opinions

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Not gonna vote since I’m involved in it, but why? It’s the community that made it collectively, not Gautam.

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add a maybe option

i want it official, mot just fanmade, because when I’m gone, there is no one to change that and some stupid person going to think fanmade is everyone and that everyone can change the tierlist

Yeah sure this sounds cool

yep they can

Official would mean gautam officiating it

The only teir tester should be the people that have been top ten before to make the list accurate enough to make it official

Having been in the top 10 only shows that you’re good at grinding. Although it can correlate with skill, being in the top 10 doesn’t automatically mean you’re amazing at pvp. Even then it would be fan/community made since it wasn’t overseen/made by gautam.


I am good at pvp :person_shrugging: not automatically though

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Maybe like top 5 best pvpers maybe :thinking:

If anyone thinks they should be ranked up, please talk to run of the tier testers so they can test you.

Tier Testers: @OYOYOY @SKILZZZ @Zolister @Executioner


Ye who is top 5

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If you have grinded that much and reached top 10 u would assume that they would be good

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i think i should be ranked up alright…

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I think its fine to me demi

Look at the tier list, its me, skilz, idk who else

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Yeah true

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