🔴 Rail Gun! (complete)

ty for the like


like every class has a description ex the gaint : big as bemotth

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oh im not sure yet ill think of one

like the post hehe

imo i think some of the weapons in realmz looks a bit more detailed but still a good art nonetheless.

weapon balance could use some work and not enough information on how it works (like rotation speed).

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Damn thats sick
How big is it compared to the player and also you should add outlines to it

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That looks insane 10/10

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prob the same size as sniper

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Future sweared ?!?!?!?


hella cool weapon. good job bro =)

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Its not gonna work like pulse gun its gonna be an upgraded version of sniper basically

You decide how big its compared to player and what parts should I add outlines to?


Ty : ) any chance of this being added? I can change it to your liking’s

Dang gang, guess we have a winner.

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thx XD

I mean, compared to the class i made on realmz, it’s godly. My class used to be pretty good, till it got nerfed 100 times. The same thing will probably happen to railgun. Lets hope not.

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Ty,also what class did you make?

garling? do u mean gatling/