Realmz account stats


WHY ARE U SO MEAN T-T im only a kid im not perfect T-T the only reason ur so good is cuz u play 40 hours a day and live in ur moms basment

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HOLD UPPP 11594 in less than 1000 JITS SWEATINGGG

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u go for KD a lot.

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oh that makes sense

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i have 7000 plays with 6000+

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i have 8000 kills since i originally made this post

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You have even more than TA lmfao

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nothing compared to my 400k

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yall are no lifes :skull:

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everyone on the leaderboards probably had at least one dream about

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You are telling me, that you play 42.5 times a day???

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my stats are kinda bad ngl i need to get more kills

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You have more play than kills lmao

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i gots a 15 kd ratio

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yep ik i dont kill much i try to get higher levels than kills

plus every time i have alot of kills some sweat comes and kills me like 7clappz or shrek or cuzzy

ive only seen 7clappz on once

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The zombies game mode trashed my K/D

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