realmz graphical improvements polls

upcoming graphical improvements:

  • sun rays at top of screen
  • new top grass texture
  • borders on some blocks
  • sprite changes of some props
  • hands
  • shadows

When the update is released, hands and shadows will be disabled by default
If 66%+ of people prefer the new features in the polls below, they will be enabled by default:

  • No hands
  • Yes Hands
0 voters
  • no shadows
  • yes shadows
0 voters

The shadows are awesome
But why is this still here

I left it there to annoy people (including myself)


it looks so BEAUTIFUL!!!

W update coming :+1::+1::heart:

lebron james reportedly forgot to add corner borders to his tileset (lebron james is you)

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I will play realmz now


avg futurepear lol

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when update?

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@futurepear @CrabCakes Did you see the Old Growth Alpine Biome and the Lush Jungle Biome ideas?