IO Games Forum Rulebook

IOGames Forum Rulebook

Welcome to the IoGames Forum! We strive to create a friendly and inclusive community for all users. To ensure a positive experience for everyone, we have established the following rules and guidelines. Please read and abide by them to maintain a safe and enjoyable environment. Remember that failure to follow these rules may result in penalties, including suspension or silence.

General Guidelines

  • Keep all discussions relevant to the category a topic is posted in, focusing on the game, strategies, and related topics.
  • Be courteous and respectful to fellow forum members. Treat others how you would like to be treated.
  • Use clear and concise language to promote effective communication.
  • Do not engage in any form of discrimination, harassment, or personal attacks.

Respectful Conduct

  • Refrain from engaging in or promoting any form of hate speech, including racism, sexism, or any discriminatory language or behavior.
  • Do not insult, mock, or belittle other forum members. Disagreements should be handled respectfully and constructively.
  • Avoid engaging in excessive trolling, spamming, or disruptive behavior that detracts from meaningful discussions.
  • Do not create spam or alt accounts with the sole purpose of impersonation or toxicity. We will IP ban you.

Content Restrictions

  • Do not post any explicit, adult, or sexually suggestive content. This includes text, images, links, or any other form of media.
  • Do not share any personal information, including your own or that of other forum members. Protect your privacy and respect the privacy of others.
  • Sharing or requesting illegal content, such as pirated software, cheats, hacks, or any other materials that violate copyright laws or terms of service is a serious offence.
  • Stay on topic within relevant forum sections and topics. Avoid derailing discussions with unrelated or off-topic content.

Moderator and Staff Authority

  • Respect the decisions and instructions provided by the forum moderators and staff. They are here to ensure a pleasant environment for everyone.
  • Do not publicly argue or debate moderator actions on the forum. If you have concerns or disagreements, contact them privately through appropriate channels.
  • Do not impersonate any forum moderator or staff member.
  • Report any rule violations or suspicious activities to the moderators or staff promptly.


  • In case of rule violations, the moderators may issue warnings, suspensions, or silences depending on the severity and frequency of the offense.
  • Suspension: Temporary removal of forum privileges, including posting and account access. Suspensions can vary in duration, depending on the seriousness of the violation.
  • Silence: Temporary restriction on posting or engaging in certain activities within the forum. This penalty aims to prevent disruptive behavior while allowing users to read existing content.
  • Continued rule-breaking or severe offenses may result in permanent bans from the forum.

Additional Rules

  • Language Use: Keep swearing to a minimum. Excessive profanity or offensive language is not permitted.
  • Advertising: Do not promote or advertise any external products, services, or websites without prior approval from the moderators or staff.
  • Multiple Accounts: Creating multiple accounts to circumvent penalties or engage in rule-breaking behavior is strictly prohibited.
  • Privacy and Safety: Protect your personal information and respect the privacy of others. Do not share private conversations, PMs, or any other private content without consent.
  • Age: You must be 13+ to use the forum. If you are under this age, please get your parents consent before using the forum. If you suspect someone is underage, please message the forum staff.

Extra Rules for Moderation & Staff members

  • Talk in a professional manner - It is important for staff to act and post messages in a professional manner. This includes, but isn’t limited to: Name calling, excessive grammatical errors, and insults targeting a person or idea.
  • Provide fair judgement - All our community members trust you to represent our community and keep things safe for everyone. If a staff member is found to be using their privileges for personal or other gains strict action will be taken.

Remember, the rules outlined above serve as a baseline, but common sense and good judgment should always be exercised when participating in the IoGames Forum. We want to foster a positive and enjoyable experience for all users, so let’s work together to create a welcoming community!

Note: The IoGames Forum Rulebook is subject to change at the discretion of the forum moderators and staff. It is your responsibility to stay updated with any amendments or additional rules communicated by the team.