the best skin? (pt. 2)


default is kinda basic tho :/

in v2 default da best

Cap dragon frfr

i said in v2 D:<

But if you bought dragon during v1 ucan use it in v2!

The default skin is the only reason we have skins in the first place though

Yeah… true
Coolguy did you see the bots in sb today :augh:

Yeah that still hasn’t been fixed

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It gets annoying
cool u got state tests rn?

Gen chat exists

alr here

make a server limit of 100 players

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COuld do taht or js make a way to block the hacks??

That would make it worse

You could still add like ~90 bots into the server

That would also make it so the server is full making it so nobody can play

A better idea is like a disconnect if you’re in spawn for a minute or so without moving/if you spawn in and don’t move for a minute

I only say “if you don’t move right after you spawn” because if could still be kicked whenever you are afk after moving that could definitely ruin some good runs and good games

I don’t think theres really any hacking just stupid people opening a bunch of tabs and joining on each of them or just using a macro to repeatedly do that

extra work for noreason for gautum
but my idea tho :+1: >:)

160 bruh OR 300!!!

there def is some hacking brotha

  1. its john
  2. they all die at the same time