...thoughts about the v2 home screen

so i recently went on v2.swordbattle.io

and i have to say, the menu/home screen deserves a whole topic.

i mean, first of all, i noticed that there is a gem count right on the top of the screen, which i think is very useful because you don’t have to go to the shop to see your gems.

also, i think the new shop button is much better than the old one, because it fits much better with the style of v2. the old settings button also fits with that style, so i understand why it is unchanged.

although, when i click in to the shop, though it looks clean for sure, i am noticing a slight lack of non-og skins, i think it might be good to add a couple more non-og skins.

the settings screen, on the other hand, looks really clean and i don’t think anything should be changed. and i love the new resolution setting, it moves the background the opposite direction too.

i also like pretty much all the other buttons/text! fits very well with the style.

and the moving background deserves a mention for sure. i really like it, it looks very clean and gives a peek of how the game looks like, biomes and all, to new players.

so that’s my opinion, but what do you guys think about the menu?


Yeah, the Home Screen looks a lot neater.


credit to @Smiley5757 :)

Can you just make one mega topic about all of v2? Plez

Just bugs tho, I’m trying to update so all is on but I can’t catch up so I need other people’s help

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