Tried my hardest on my skin

btw lemme know if u want me to update the skin above u made


Can you make it a little more better you just get the design and the writing is that good my name and theme is red and black so can you please help


it cant be a ninja so try to make it less ninja like

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ye sure np im in school will work on it once i get home


(3 months later) harsh never made it

Wdym he did make it search it up bruh

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it’s only been 2 months though

he did

here it is just scroll down then u will see the final product


love it just the way it is.

looks good but a lot of parts are blank

You see my current skin is there any chance you could make it better i dont want to brother slap cause he’s working on skins

Devs unofficial brother

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I can even it out ;)


Thats harsh cousin

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I Never knew that but sometimes I got confused between his and devs pfp

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