rip demi
yeah fr rip
The math is not mathing
i do feel like the skin aint worth 100k
maybe 75k?
Idk bro but 75k is too low… in between 10k and 500k 75k is too low… If it was 75k we would need like a 150k skin or 100k skin atleast
10 gems, take it or leave it
Will be added
Gautam you never got back to me about my skin
yeah, thats what i was thinking
have one at 150k
yeah something like that would probably work well
off topic, but summer is almost over, where is my new link for SB?
It doesn’t contrast well with the game’s terrain but I really like it
Gautam was on for a couple hours this morning and responded to me… You should’ve asked him then
fire id try sb again if i wore this skin
Play swordbattle again no matter what …
idek man it just feels less fun to me rn so maybe the skin would idk like make it more enjoyable
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