Whats your fav drink???

She is too.

Please stop

I get this a lot


Fine, G. I’m just messin around. I feel awfully comedic today. Anyways I gotta go do M.R and SB+R skin stuff.


Wasn’t funny cringy at best :) LOL

One-by-One lego brick?!

something related- hear me out- one of those blue slushies mixed with a shot of champagne. TRUST. TRUST.

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Champagne is pretty good.

This is facts

Hear me out: I’m smart with money, so give me your life savings. TRUST. TRUST.


it is thats what im telling you

I like water better tho

:roll_eyes: LMAO-

I gotchu let me dm u my info!

no champagne is better than water. >:[


I would’ve added more o’s LMAO :rofl: but was too lazy gotta save for hopefully his stream tonight :crossed_fingers: