At this moment forth, i summon all members of Whispers in the Wind clan to join the brand-new Discord Server ( •_•)
Am I in the clan?
yh, this is just if u have discord and can join
i can join in 13 days (when i turn 13 )
Nice job phantom!
Bro realy took the 13 year rule to heart XD
ik r
Ok I will join later
Listen ill let u join thats np, only problem that matters is how long ur in the server:)
lets boot him the next minute XD
Ok I will put Whisper in my name
BRUHHHHHH he’s not talking to you
Yes he was
Well even if he is talking about you he literally said he’s gonna kick you from the server if you join so
Look kid, no one will like you if you act like an annoying brat. Look back and revise your behavior if you don’t want to get banned by wasd for creating annoying the community
I mean I wasn’t gonna ban him but I’ll think about it if he continues since literally everyone doesn’t like his behaviour atm
How long till your 13 now? lol
Bruh dont u dare