Who do you hate the most

no im not i don’t hate u you too good

Small ass players

good for me

Bots who steal my chests. Or just bots in general. I don’t really hate anyone, but if I had to pick someone, it’d be the bots.

it was not up there but good choice i will put it up

Myself :smiling_face_with_tear:


Coder must’ve deleted it

i need to chat though

I hate the small players they cause pain to everything and everyone you love and they are probably the reason i die in this game

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…”everyone you love”…? What?

Tiny players.

Also BR STEK 7 hates me to the core

BR STEK 7 hates me too lol. I tried talking to him, apparently he doesn’t speak English.


Hmm never heard of this mortal named BR STEK 7

same here



yeah i was just playing a game and saw BR STEK 7

ez potatolord

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