So @Manny wants me t do him some stuff. He private messaged me for me to spend money to buy some of his skill . Who else has got this who has bought it who is using it @Acol2 @AcolReal @AcolsAlt @AcolsBoyfriend @AcolLover
nah just kidding @anon59805918
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I didn’t get any. Coder should ban them.
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Angel did he even sent this message to mods XD I got it I know slap did and mit did to not the first time even lol
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i do to, after coder was in his account, he tried to trick me to try some of his hacks, by pretending to be coder
coder told me he wasn’t on after, so it was manny
I would never ask someone to try out his hacks unless it’s from my main
So it was not you that messaged me?
Manny is just manny he does that to everyone and he knows dam well ppl wont buy hacks for an io game
Ye, i’ll pm you
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