Zeus Skin

Yes and this dude dose code and ai is always a hot topic In coding sense it machine learning can help a good bit so I would not be surprised


This is worse then my first copyrighted skin

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Stolen and copyrighted skin debates be like:


Why is a obviously copyright skin have a thread of 120 posts!?!?

I’ve read like 10 posts on this but I can only assume its because its obviously copyrighted

Well, check it then

can we ad this to v2

no it’s copyright infringiment

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and its basically just hyper realistic lightning skin

You mean storm?

This one, too lazy to find the topic on the forums but the zeus skin’s sword is basically just a realistic version of this skin’s sword

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nice skin
doesn’t match art style lol

wow what a skin to bad its prob ai generated

yah, probably
thats why they couldn’t find a match

Imagine trying to visualize this skin in swordbattle the perspective just DOES NOT match

nvr mind, they found it