A message to undefeated clan

Undefeated clan decides to kill me everytime i get 20k after i hit the co owner twice

How funny and think they are good for beating me 6 times while i had 20k coins and co owner had 150k

I dont care who you are what you are if your in hndefeated your gone and your my enemy so prepare to perish (Wasd is the only exception)

Also this is not a joke for you who think it is, cause they are starting to irritate me


can i 1v1 u tomorrow when become online


Im 95% sure u could clap them.


Ik but a 2v1 is wild also not letting me grind is insane

Kinda sounds familiar but make it a 4v1 lol

They get me low and than they wall roach me and say “roaching is when your small and you attack someone :nerd_face::nerd_face::nerd_face::nerd_face:” has bro not know what roaching is like its a form of roaching but using warrior in corner is roaching using power and killing you to the wall with warrior is roaching but they dont see that

You still could whoop them run and hit

Ig but after coder patched fisher glitch when they go through you now you can’t escaor them

Besides oyoyo mastered roaching he literally knows like exactly when to use special :skull:

even me :point_right::point_left:

Yes you too >: (

Even me?

All you im just tired with the nonsense undefeated does its childish so they gotta go out the door

Bro Reyansh you roach like your life depends on it. Like one day we were friends then you join undefeated and start teaming on me while I don’t even want to fight you. Then you kill me, and then the next day you attack me again, but you can only win by teaming, cause your pvp could use some help, and I don’t kill you even though you try to kill me. Then it gets out of hand and the next day you keep on attacking me while I don’t want to so I have to kill you. And then you ROACH like you actually don’t know how to do anything else. You come back again and again doing nothing but annoying me and blaming me for killing you while you killed me in the first place and started attacking me again and again.


That is true, reyansh roaches me, even though I am on Undefeated.

bro ok tbf i need to stab someone and if u have like 200k imma take ur coins

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after that u kept stabbing me
so i retaliated

alr man

You only get like 50-60k so why even do it