A Realmz.io Legacy Tierlist (PART 1)

The Realmz Legacy Tierlist V.3.1(5/18)

*Originally Created by Prооkl and Daddy( who’s that? :thinking: ) on 3/17

*Edited and Revised to account for skill changes and new players on 4/17

*Edited and Revised again to account for even more even skill changes and new players on 5/18

*Edited and Revised again to account for even more even skill changes and new players on 11/11

Version 3.1 includes a detailed explanation for the rankings of EVERY player. Explanation length may vary, substantially attributed to the addiction level of the player, the impact they have on the game, and in some cases, the number of chromosomes that seem to be missing.

My apologies if you feel offended by the content displayed below.



:nauseated_face: (Unhealthy addiction)

:green_circle: (Plays regularly)

:yellow_circle: (Plays occasionally)

:red_circle: (Plays rarely)

:white_circle: (Quit the game)


S Tier

Dormenthesian | :yellow_circle: | Undoubtfully the best player in his prime(though he is kind of poop now); A top player for sniper, dragoon, champion, paladin, behemoth and more; owns DN, the best clan in the game by a huge margin; also is a dev who likes to sneak around and steal my IP address :rage:; elite currymuncher

Future | :red_circle: | Developer of Realmz.io and the best mouse player in the game; rarely plays, but 1v1s people periodically

7clappz | :yellow_circle: | A really mean person; best player in a lot of classes; apparently Prookl’s sister’s fiance :confused:, but I wouldn’t know

CrabCakes | :red_circle: | I don’t see him play much, but people say he’s good; likes to punish me for no reason; Alternate identity is King Puma :open_mouth:

Lazorbak | :yellow_circle: | Probably the behemoth user in the game; good with most classes; like to steal people’s kills; has his own custom skin; voice actor of Big Chungus; elite currymuncher

ArmyCuzzy | :green_circle: | Most consistent/smooth backdash in the game; best solar flare without debate; good with other classes too; from the Hood :cold_face:; likes to say the n slur :open_mouth: :shushing_face:

Prookl | :yellow_circle: | Widely considered the most toxic player in the game even though that feat belongs to me; good with mouse classes and champion; used to be the best player from last November to February; has a sexual attraction to cats; does a lot of random shi in Realmz, including mapmaking; has an odd infatuation with Rker’s cock, seeing all the times he’s drawn it

Shrek3OnBluRay | :red_circle: | Best player in Erth.io; was faked by King Puma/cough CrabCakes for a few months; kinda poop now

YeetusFeetus | :white_circle: | Pro champion main; good at alt-farming; Holds many leaderboard rankings; apparently vapes sea men :thinking:

Dabz | :white_circle: | Best sniper user in the game; rarely ever plays

RKER+ | :white_circle: | A tardo who claimed to be the best player from April to May; had huge beef with half the top players, including dn daddy(don’t know who that is), Dormenthesian, Prookl, Lazorbak, CrabCakes, King Puma, and even the poop, Imposter; ragequit the game entirely after I beat his lil ahh in a 1v1; best Scythe player and one of the best champion users; very predictable attacks; I kinda feel bad for this dude cuz KingPuma ahem CrabCakes faked him on Discord and got everyone to hate on him. He must’ve gotten pretty confused on why everyone was trashtalking him and decided to assume the rank as “best Erth2 player”

KingPuma | :yellow_circle: | CrabCake’s rp identity :scream: ; best scythe user besides Rker; really cracked at running and cheapkilling; Prookl’s archenemy; funny troll; apparently has a crush on his lil bro :open_mouth: :heart:

Bot | :purple_circle: | Rarely ever plays(apparently because of location issues); I do not know him well :robot:


A Tier

Ezmoney | :white_circle: | IRL friend of Dormenthesian’s; likes to harrass Prookl sexually :heart_eyes:

Embrittlemental | :yellow_circle: | Certified dck toucher; meanest dn

GrimReaper | :white_circle: | Only other member in GOM besides Mafialeader; really old player

Lava | :nauseated_face: | Basically Imposter/Anonymous, but significantly more skilled and less of a tardo; best boss farmer in the game; mainly friendly, but sometimes quite annoying; fun to spawnkill c:

Bob | :white_circle: | An old player; well skilled with champion; kind of fun to play against

Quadopus | :white_circle: | Decent player; Former DN member; good with solar flare and shotgun; liked to copy my classes, and basically tailgated me :nauseated_face:

DroidekaDoge | :white_circle: | Decent old player(not much to say); I remember 1v1ing him once when I was a noob(I should’ve won, but we never finished cuz this TikTok kid[probs Prookl] kept tryna third-party)

==== | Line of Rizz…erm I mean…skill (everyone below is poop from my perspective) l =====

RedImposter | :white_circle: | Decent old player(not much to say)

VioUmbrez | :white_circle: | Decent old player(not much to say)

Imposter/Anonymous | :nauseated_face: | An annoying guy who exploits glitches and cheats; averages 5 hours of Realmz.io a day; ragequit the game after getting muted for calling me the gay slur 45546 times after getting clapped :yawning_face:; came back as Anonymous, but unfortunately suffers from Dissociative Identity Disorder

Mafia Leader | :white_circle: | Another annoying guy; got kicked from DN 3 times :joy: I don’t know what Dorm was on, thinking that he was good enough; thinks he’s the sh!t; owns the biggest clan in the game

TryAgain | :green_circle: | Victim of Dormenthesian’s mod abuse; likes to farm bosses; decent with no skill classes; NPC :robot:

Squished | :red_circle: | Decent player; has played for a long time; Doesn’t play that much, but inexplicably spends his life on Realmz Replit; Probably the best scythe user outside of the “pros”

Nile | :white_circle: | Decent old player(not much to say; Elemental’s celebrity crush

CrampingKrampus | :white_circle: | Decent old player(not much to say)

MagoQuinto | :white_circle: | Decent old player(not much to say)

Saturn | :white_circle: | Decent old player(not much to say); kinda annoying

MommyMilkers | :white_circle: | Decent old player(not much to say)

Jakarius | :green_circle: | Black dude who likes anime; besties with Rker; used to have a massive beef with Imposter/Anonymous; one of the kiddos I used to team with when I sucked balls at Realmz(I was still high A tier doe :muscle:); created 100% clan, the first big clan

no | :yellow_circle: | Besties with Imposter; co-owns Imp clan and owns UM now that mafialeader is gone; literally the average champ main :skull:; used to be the most addicted player in the game, now doesn’t play much


B Tier

JJAM | :white_circle: | Another bestie of Imp’s; I used to give him a ton of xp; one of the kiddos I used to team with when I sucked balls at Realmz(I was still high A tier doe :muscle:)

DartFrog | :red_circle: | Another one of those kids who thought he wuz the sh!t; cringe asf

Deer | :red_circle: | Guy with a deer fetish; designed the latest update

TryAgain minion | :nauseated_face: | Really cringe kid; sort of decent with some classes like champ; TryAgain’s sugardaddy

Jude’s Brother | :white_circle: | Better than Jude lmfao; decent with sniper; somehow has more plays than me even though I’ve rarely even seen him

Aidenw | :white_circle: | #1 Realmz meatrider; tried to meatride me until Dorm got mad and yelled at me to kill him, proceeded to meatride Lazorbak not realizing that Lazor only needed him for xp grinding, proceeded to meatride Rker until he quit; only successful meatride was Quadopus, only cuz hes a tardo; used to complete poop, but improved a decent amount; champion main; ragequit the game because I mentioned his mom on accident. Then, Prookl got on and started bullying him; I fell really bad for him :c

Jude | :yellow_circle: | Some annoying lil kid; used to be a Prookl fanboy until Prookl started bullying him; leaked his account to Prookl

a duck | :red_circle: | Owner of huge duck clan that isn’t really a clan(just a group of IRL friends from what I can make out… yum I love to make out :open_mouth: ); used to be decent for a while; only seems to use paladin; cracked at catching rocket dashes, but besides that, is poop; used to be really addicted

Dabiggestbird | :white_circle: | Played around February and March; dragoon main; not that trash

Calcite/Riot | :nauseated_face: | Champion main; used to be Army’s student(under bad influence); says N slur sometimes(likely learned from Army); likes to team; backdashes a lot

Ryan | :white_circle: | Really old player; tried 4v1 me when I was a noob, but still got clapped cuz im Him; PD clan member; likes to blame his brother for all the times he gets clapped

Fishy | :nauseated_face: | Really addicted guy; another champion main; likes to talk about all the OnlyFans videos he watched ingame(not really bright of him); apparently is Gab S :open_mouth:

S1299 | :white_circle: | Mid old player(not much to say)

T-16861 | :red_circle: | Co-leader of 100%, a very old clan; used to be really addicted around January; one of the kiddos I used to team with when I sucked balls at Realmz(I was still high A tier doe :muscle:); used to be decent, but is complete @ss now

Blub | :white_circle: | Mid old player(not much to say)

Grubbin | :white_circle: | Mid old player(not much to say)

BigBoyBooey | :white_circle: | Really old player; ; one of the kiddos I used to team with when I sucked balls at Realmz(I was still high A tier doe :muscle:); designed Alchemist weapon concept; had a really funny n word spamming contest with Jakarius in old Erth2 chatroom

SK Leader | :white_circle: | Some goofy ahhh cherrypicker who tried to steal SK from Rker after he left it for DN; likes to say N slur; really toxic; ragequit the game when Rker decided to leave DN and go back to SK


I did S to B tier today. I’ll finish C to F later.

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Wow why did so many people quit

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theres so much misinformation in this


If my bf is getting a spot why don’t I? I killed you the other day and you gave up.

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:skull: ur bf? also what are you talking about?


yeah erm my information is incorrect

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Also @7Clappz lmao Im the best boss farmer n Im probably better than lava

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yeah you probs are for mech, but lava is cracked at warlock


for one i’m not gab s thats something u just started calling me even when real gab was in the game and 2 i can barely play any more so i can’t be addicted and 3 i dont main champ i main shotty. get ur facts right and i don’t even know what only fans is!


Welome to the forum Anonymous!

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so am I (I used to farm warlock at first),also mech requires more skill while warlock anyone can kill


Ty : )


this seems a little zesty ngl


u left and didn’t come back
pls give me a spot though


Most detailed tierlist by far! I like how you didn’t just do rankings but also an about them and how often they play!

cough cough we should ask dormenthesian for the funny convo you had over the summer :open_mouth:. It was something about “OnlyFans”, and “Pussy”


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what is bro yapping about :skull:. Are you talking about that time me and Lazorbak spawnkilled you for 40 minutes straight and you kept rambling about being a girl or sum?

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