account leak...

so someone recently told me something rather concerning…

my account pass has been leaked. how, i dont know. but nevertheless, until i can get my password changed, just be wary if you see my account ingame.

if you think i’m doing something toxic, offensive, or otherwise unlikable, please reach out to me on forum so i can get notified. (also to confirm that it is not me)

thanks! i appreciate it.


mine leaked like 5 times

You don’t even play though :skull:

ik ive had to get gautam to restore my pass way too many times

wow, i wonder how…

oop- ive only changed my pass a couple times.

If you know my pass you’ll understand

where did it leak

I’m asking for a friend

where? wdym?

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It’s a joke don’t worry about it

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He is asking who leaked the password so he can use the account too under the disguise of “asking for a friend” XD

tbh idrc if someone uses my acc lol I’m not even active I’ll msg you login



I will leak my acc

i have one of the easiest passwords in existence


well i mean there are quadrillions of password combos so maybe not as ez as u think

if someone guesses it
everyone gets access to my account for one day
then ill ask gautam to reset


well okay

my pass has been leaked by (penguin.angel grandson, and number1…
so twins now!