Acol skin refund

The people who bought Acol skin for 100mil didn’t get a refund? Why not give it them! @gautam


I never give skin refunds, just because it ruins the point of grinding


Bruh they lost 99 million :skull:


It was like 2 people and plus this is personal opinion but I think with how mediocre the skin is they should’ve at least known that something like this could’ve happened


Nah atleast 3. Plus Oy bought it because he thought it would become super rare after v2

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But 99mil takes like 3 months for a normal person :skull:


The skin isn’t even on the OG skins list and also I know it was 2 people who bought it for 100m because this

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Huh I thought Acol would buy it but I guess not also why wouldn’t it get removed? It doesn’t match the style of the game so it wouldn’t make sense for it to stay also if it is 2 people then it would be super easy to know who to refund it to

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It was acol snd oyoyoyo who brought it

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And also its good cause acol finslly gets to spend a good chunk of his coins

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Wrd bro nahhh tho i thought you had like 200m coins


I mean if Acol doesn’t the refund it is fine but I’m sure OyOy does


Nah too bad cause gautam has said it clear he dosnt do refunds

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Also acol can just grind a week and never sleep like usuall and he has 100m back


If i could give you 50m so you can have somewhat close to ir

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I would grind acol 100m coins i want to see a acc grt 1b

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I would help bro fr like on god

Game is not boring to me any more

Wait for v2 they will convert into gems you are set to be richest player

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Will a new 100 million coin skin (or the equivalent in gems) be added in V2 (Angel’s lion skin?) If yes, I think OYOYOY and Acol should be given one. I think OYOYOY only bought the Acol skin because Frager assured him that it would be replaced with a new 100 mil skin.

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