Add a Parkour Map

do it plsssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss

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I don’t think that’ll happen just yet, so give them time to consider it, rushing won’t give results, and give a reason why


parkour is too ez rn


make it harder then, movement in realmz is kinda floaty and boring rn

Movement cant change too big of change and focus is pvp not parkoir

there is possibilty for some cool parkour if u add some special movement things in a gamemode

Nah, sounds like too much. The movement, in my opinion, is fine. A parkour map wouldn’t be fun UNLESS you made it hard as heck. Spikes everywhere, mobs everywhere, no weapons, low HP, stuff like that. But then you’d need a portal for that. Where would the portal go? Maybe in the desert place?

you dont need a portal for a different gamemode

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True, you could just make it in the servers option, or in some other way in the home screen. But something I really wanna see is that NPC guy have use.

he already does
but he could have more use

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Does NPC guy do anything?

What does he do?

say certain things to him and he’ll say things back

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Oh, I know that. But t fr, he should have more use

i can make hard (troll ;))

I will make and add this.

ok do it for me

erm, what the actual sigma
