All about the Game is a free online multiplayer browser-based game released by K&S Games in late August, 2019, based on the sandbox game Minecraft. It is a top-down view 3-dimensional game similar to many other IO games.

Just like the original Minecraft, in the options bar, there is a ray tracing (dynamic lighting) and shadows, optimizing the users experience.

Similar to Minecraft, players can build, craft, mine, engage in PVP, trade, and more. The game also features an in-game economy with ways to exchange for virtual goods and in-game cryptocurrency and NFTs, this economy is mainly player run.

The current information has been authorized by K&S games.

This wiki is currently a work-in-progress. Feel free to add any pages for information that is missing. Any unnecessary information such as information that is not related to the game or to advertise your personal information will be remove

(psst Vanilla Is Out)

Vanilla -A difficult game without rubies, shops, quests, OP enchantments
-Fair pvp, only 3 standard bosses: Ender Dragon, Wither and Warden
-Big caves and little loot

Most Recent Addition
Likes! You can now like people’s account, along with seeing their skin on their profile




You pay real money for those right? And are they like those images?

For what

The NFTs you pay real money for them right? And Wdym by ‘kinda’?

Either way seems like a cool game

I know and btw i never payed a nft wdym

I never said you specifically bought an NFT just that they cost money

And what does this mean? Give an example

bruh i dont know what were talking about u make no sense by saying NFT? and me saying kinda i mean like it’s a image for me if you read what’s so…

Man sry i did not remember what i typed but no u dont pay real money for the nft’s u need rubies

Ohhhh ok so like an in-game market and economy that is pretty cool