Beat that Imposter

Screenshot 2024-01-10 3.12.38 AM

This will be tough but if you can beat this I will be extremely impressed.

? what guy

Screenshot 2024-01-10 3.12.38 AM

that’s no deal pretty ez
and reaching too 500 is the hard part 397 is ez


Levels lb is free af lmfao. You just have to be willing to lose your life.

we up!

dang it time to stay up till 8 in the mornin again

Dang, nice one lazor.
Unless clapz was pretending to be lazor or like, has his account, either way, good job to whoever did it.

thanks bro. i sent a ss to discord and clappz just saved it and put it on here. 'preciate it

go for something actually difficult like top 5 stars