Can u kill BC?

They have horrible players that team in an annoying way :p I don’t really like them so kos?


Sure, but the exception is phantom, he nice to lots of UN’s

Dw pookie they hate me cause i be smoking em

Who are their members? Remember I’m chill with like 99.99% of the forum.

Thats not Phantom phantom gave his acc username to someone and thats some annoyiny girl

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Ty lol

I kinda feel sorry for BC clan ngl :rofl::rofl:

I hate BC their so annoying, UN clan is the best speaking of clans I really need to code that soon


W even gautum agrees >:)

they not on forum i think

UN the top dog

everyone with their own small clans
join me in the war
\there be a lotta BC people online
someone help

Targetable? Not on forum?
BC did you pray today!? Im feelin like massacring every BC named player online now.


Sup, G. New to forum?

Me, yeah

Well welcome then, G.

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Welcome to the forum :tada:

:slight_smile: Thank you. By the way, are u pookie?

Who is pookie?