(duplicate?) bro what is going on

so i was looking on the leaderboard and just wanted to see if i was on the leaderboard…which i was. but something caught my eye…

Screenshot 2024-01-01 at 3.55.31 PM

Screenshot 2024-01-01 at 3.56.00 PM

Screenshot 2024-01-01 at 3.56.30 PM

broo…what is going on…?

why are there two undef_incognitoes? and who is the impersonator?

EDIT: plus, i’m not even top 100…so there are two impersonators?

Ngl I think you’re an impersonator of incognitoes I mean you didn’t even ask what we think :OOOOOO

Tbh tho you have fans :D

soo…is this true? what do you guys think?


What did you do to the real incognitoes?! Did you burn him? Did you… find his identity?!

really? imma be completely honest i thought i had no fans on sb


which leaderboard is this?

Omg your alive

the alltime coins one

even if those are my fans how do they have the exact same username as me is that allowed now

Wait does this mean I’m the most famous sb player because theres an impersonator everywhere I go

p sure thats just you…uhh…

You guys stupid? I think that’s the coins lb (so you can place multiple times by multiple high games)

Thats the joke lol

xdd wait cool u played that many games recently…

we’re swordbattle players, we have no life ofc we’re stupid

ohh you had me worried for a sec, I did major db changes today

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nah not stupid just didnt know cool played so many rounds so recently :sob:

Will you make all the proxy versions work?