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How to play

Have no sword :dagger: :+1:

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LOL I FIND THIS FUNNY but pemme try to solve whats happening. So basically im pretty sure this only happens on mobile.

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Nope, this can happen on computer too. I’ve had it happen a few times on Chromebook and my Macbook. It happens when an image isn’t loaded in.

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pretty weird. Seems like a loading issue, also, for some reason sometimes when i throw my sword, it disappears, but its still there and it can hit things.

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Its happened to me also. Again, hopefully it will be fixed in v2.

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Hopefully :crossed_fingers:

But on mobile it happens more

Well idk for sure bc im not a mobile player but ive seen people tell me abt and they play on mobile

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Still happens in v2 only difference being when it can’t load the skins, it replaces with default


lol good times

Yeah that still happens a lot

sometimes i log in and i get “Player” in blue name


Yeah that happens when you log in/out too fast that might be a really big problem but idk


Yeah, I like it when that happens cause u kill everyone and their like who’s that guy called player? lol