[estimate] how long it takes to get 1mil coins (proved using calculations)

Why not?

I got motivation to play so im sure you can gain some

This is the part where I say this is diverging from the original topic.


i got 1mil before

Try to look at the leaderboard and maybe do some test I’ve done some stuff like it before were you just record what your at at this time and make notes of what you have broken and more mine was with what amount of coins do most people feel comfortable attacking I would break chest letting ai get big and players rise quick and then see when they came to attack me(15k was the result note this was when 20k was the finale evol though)

I got my 1 mill run in 2 hours

nice, similar to my estimate!

1:58 to be exact

Oh thats sad can i grind for you?

Isnt cat your friend tho?

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