Fav biome?? Ice fire or grass!

I think its out of bounds are. Only ever happened to me twice when I had bad internet.

Maybe under spawn??

Maybe. idk.

Someone who helped make an may know or gautum

Could always be out of spawn also tho ig kinda fair away tho to randomly spawn there

I could always be doing more

Slap u gonna be making the boss?? :fire: if so


It’s true slap is a busy dude with time on his side lol

Ice is my favorite

W intake tbh ice and fire probably tied for me both cool bosses and cheats and cool mobs :+1:

I like to get the fire boss to the corner so I can kill it easly
usually followed by a gang of players killing me

Ya friend needaknow what ur doing man

i like fire bc i knock players in the lava pit

Fax i do that 24/7 :skull: im a good person right?? :+1:

I like fighting in grass bc beserker is waaaaaaaaaaaaaay too fast and my fps doesn’t catch up


Nah grass sucks man I hate grass biome I still fight in it if I gotta tho :(

Ice is cool!

It’s a 2D game though it is impossible to have another dimension