Fav biome?? Ice fire or grass!

Whatโ€™s ur fav sb biome?!?! Maybe itโ€™s fire :D maybe ice :thinking: or maybe even the slow thick grass in mine is fire cuz of this emoji :fire: and the boss! :fire: whats yours!?

  • Lava
  • Grass
  • Ice
0 voters

I personally like the ice biome more, kind of like the slippery effect. The lava biome can sometimes be annoying when youโ€™re breaking chests and you donโ€™t realize youโ€™re standing on top of covered up small lava pools.

Ohhh ya fr they gotta fix that I feel like if cheat kn lava it moves to random position

No ones gonna say grass
That place needs a serious buff

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First of all no boss, secondly slowest place on planet earth, even for speedy berserker LOL

It looks really nice, but I avoid it because player movementโ€™s slower there.
I feel the need, the need for speed.

Fax I love speed

  1. spawn (for some unknown reason, i just cant die here)
  2. ice (cool)
  3. lava (sorta cool)
  4. grass (slow as heck, but moose)

W intake never thought abt spawn :/

I should make earth bossโ€ฆ


ice its much more faster to farm there

do the other things first :slight_smile:

slap ur doing too much rn

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Ya we u should me and star have been wanting one plus the whole sb community :+1: LOL

Nah let him cook


My favorite spawn point is that grey area outside of map. Has happened to me like twice.

Huh?? Thatโ€™s never happened to me and Iโ€™ve played an sooo much wdym by gray area anyone know this?

nope, never heard of it
only gray area I know is spawn

Ya same u got a pic of this gray area dude? I wanna see this