First impressions of realmz

Just like i did the rating/first impressions i’ll now do it on

So I went into (I already made an account in realmz i just hadn’t really played yet) and started playing…At first it was chill I was going around killing rabbits and stuff and it was a bit weird for me but y’know that could just be me who never plays anything other than lol. The map itself looked good, and I loved the biomes and how it changed the background depending on the biome you are in (jungle my fav). It was really weird to level up though because sometimes it would pick an ability randomly without me clicking on the button.

Then I realised the playerbase at present of is like pretty…mh…let’s just say not passive. All the people, and I mean all, wouldn’t team or pass up the attempt to kill me at like level 2 so it’s really really hard to enjoy the game/level up to a sufficent level as to actually fight back…

And the gameplay is pretty varied in general (sometimes it’s outstanding, sometimes it’s horrible). So I have really mixed feelings about realmz…

Here are my numbered ratings:

Looks: 9/10

Gameplay: 6.8/10

Total: 15.8/20 (7.9/10)

Are u sure u randomly got upgrades? Pressing the number keys chooses upgrades

And why was the gameplay terrible at times? Btw the gap between the skill of a new and experienced player is huge


what i think most people dislike about realmz is that there is a huge skill ceiling and it’s really difficult to get into, especially when starting out.

it can be really frustrating constantly dying.


ikr i mean i’m the one doing the killing so i probably killed him but if u find me ill gladly help u get better =)

that is if u want to atleast.=)


I’ve noticed that this is a problem too for newer players so sometimes when I’m playing, I give advice to people on how to improve. The first thing that I recommend for people to do when they start is to try out every weapon and figure out which one they like the most instead of picking whatever one you get killed the most.

yeah susualy i recomend getting solar or champio/paladin becuase there easy to use and dont take alot of skillz then i recomend going the the little red section down in the bottom left corner called crimson becuase it gives alot of xp. I hope i works out

the only problem ppl have with realmz mainly is getting wrecked by better people lmfao


ahehem me :sob:

THIS LOOKS LIKE AN [Issue of Skill]