FwhipyFishy Mod Application Thing

Hello, I know there is a very high chance I will get rejected, I will not use Chat-GPT, and spend 20 minutes out of my day trying out for mod. Cause other people did and I just felt like doing so to…

If you read this you are actually insane and I respect it…

If I get rejected it is fine because I will wait and try another time. I have a hudge passion for the game and the community. At first when I joined, I was here for the developer role which I could get through GitHub. But staying here was a lot of fun and I wanted to engage in the community. So I started talking to other people and making chaos but I fixed it now Sort off and would like to try to be a helper or mod. I read through the rules and regulations and I will enforce them. I know being a mod / helper is a huge responsibility. And that my background is rocky… But I want to be able to address concerns, and provide helpful guidance to players. I now want to do good actions that will impact the game and the swordbattle community. By doing so I hope you can see through on making me a helper or mod. If you can´t it is ok because I know the forum is full of mods/helpers but Im always active and it wont hurt to have one more. If you read through this im sorry for wasting like 5 minutes of your day. But please see me threw because by becoming a moderator and contributing to the game I hope I can make a forum and safe gaming experience. For now I should have a positive and supportive attitude towards the players. That I could be easily approachable, friendly, and ready to answer any and all player questions, and promote the overall experience. I want to genuinely commitment to create a fun and safe experience for all Swordbattle.io players, and be the best new mod for the job.

Ngl I should of looked for spelling errors before I did this…

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I feel you are sorta not ready.


… breah

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is even going to be another mod election… i thought we weren’t going to have any more?


Idk but like 3 people did it :D that where tl3 and on one of them coder said we will talk…


Do i even have to explain?

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If there is another mod election, I really hope bread becomes one. He deserves it more than anyone else imo.


What about me.

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Bro ur not a regular you cant.


Bread’s an OG. You’re relatively new


I will be someday.


… lol

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If like 2 more people do it, I’ll do it myself.

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… thats like 2 people O;

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…I’ma make a mod application then

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Yo 3 dislikes I think I did really good.

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You are a mod wtf-

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Tis a joke


… brah …

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Why do you need mod? For power? I think your not ready yet, you just got tl3 and you already want mod…

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