Gatdamn 2 information

Originally sent in

I'm actually constantly working on 2 , which patches all these and is in general more enjoyable

Will make a Post on it today :slight_smile:
Have been studying all these things that could be improved a lot

  • Better Graphics that are visually appealing

  • Procedurally generated maps so if you make a new "room" its a totally new world like a minecraft seed. Infact Seed names will dictate the world

  • Fake 3d isometric vibe - This makes any 2d game look and feed way more real no doubt

  • in gatdamn 1 there are a lot of bots playing the server too (I also play but im not a bot lol), and because that was my first game and I didnt know much about launching less players were there and more bots required. Now what Im going for is fast paced and less bots so its fast paced in the moment, not fast paced like running away from bots

  • Then theres guns. The shotgun rn is wayy too buffed. One shot from that close to anyone can take you down easily. The machine gun is too satisfying but low in damage and not realistic with some reloads. All this needs to be corrected to more real values

  • The sniper is inacessible unless you get 20 kills but the problem is that a sniper is less usefull in such fast paced, so we need more snipers in world which have lesser people playing to make it a fun experience

  • Many many easter eggs were just deleted by me because I thought people would hate it. This included teleportation, some secret weapons, some wierd skins. A lot were unfinished but I liked them a lot


Firstly thank you everyone for playing and special thanks @gautam for having me here :slight_smile:

This last week has seen a traffic surge like never before thanks to @Darkoknight on replit.

I have been collecting feedback and am developing the sequel to this game which will address all the improvements and bugs.

1 . Better Graphics that are visually appealing, 3d isometric vibe - Currently the game has “cute” art but it could have been wayyy better and more visually appealing. Kind of like a minimal style and in 3D

This also means that the plane of playing is changing. Currently its a vertical plane so its 2D , but in the newer version it’ll be topdown and 3D so the plane of playing the game is horizontal and its actually space because you have a degree of freedom in jumping

2 . Procedually generated new maps - so if you make a new “room” its a totally new world like a minecraft seed. Infact Seed names will dictate the world. Maybe the room “water” would be a particular kind of world

3 . No annoying bots - gatdamn 1 there are a lot of bots playing the server too (I also play but im not a bot lol), and because that was my first game and I didnt know much about launching less players were there and more bots required. Now what Im going for is fast paced and less bots so its fast paced in the moment, not fast paced like running away from bots

4 . More usable guns - The shotgun rn is wayy too buffed. One shot from that close to anyone can take you down easily. The machine gun is too satisfying but low in damage and not realistic with some reloads. All this needs to be corrected to more real values

The sniper is inacessible unless you get 20 kills but the problem is that a sniper is less usefull in such fast paced, so we need more snipers in world which have lesser people playing to make it a fun experience

5 . Real easter eggs - * Many many easter eggs were just deleted by me because I thought people would hate it. This included

  1. teleportation,
  2. some secret weapons,
  3. some wierd skins. A lot were unfinished but I liked them a lot
  4. Standing in certain places gives you some weapons
    and many more

6 . Current network and other bug fixes - A lot of devs will know about hosting your game servers. The current game server is hosted on windows and made for windows which is expensive and inefficient. A true io game server should be made purely in nodejs, the way its supposed to be!!

The server right now is on a paperspace VM and uses a connector called ngrok… which disconnects you if you are the 30th connection this minute which is very likely. If you’re interested I’d higly recommend study swordbattle’s github page, you’ll see a lot of the stuff that happens BTS

7 . Incremental skin changes - lol how did I forget to mention this… So this is very cool and will have a power up ish system (again very inspired by swordbattle).

8 . Mobile and tablet support -You dont need to be on pc, virual joystick is here

There are a lot of changes basically, and I’m sure itll be a much improved io game!! It will look different however because the view has been changed from vertical to horisontal and 2D to fake 3D


Hmmm. So ur making gatdamn v2? R u updating the current game or making a whole new one?

if its top down will it be like Or am i confused on what you mean

That sounds really cool, cant wait to play!

Thats a good question, so in theory the backend stuff isnt changing much because I’ll use almost the same server side logic as gatdamn io and similar weapons too.
The look however is being upgraded to horisontal plane which means a full redo of the frontend.
@futurepear Not exactly like because that is fully 2D, I’m going for an isometric 3D

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Let’s move further v2 discussions to the above topic