gautam nice math

yk how angel is top 1 right? take a look of this


Can’t be the stabs

@gautam very funny :skull:

LMAO ANGLE ON SEConde HEHAHHAA :joy: :joy: :joy:

wait is angle like


can’t seem to figure out :thinking: :thinking: :thinking:

think its the second, cause the skin is the angel skin

OH gotcha :wink:

When the xp transfer was first made 50 coins were turned into 1 xp (I went from 50mil xp to right below 1 mil, acol went from over 400mil coins to 8mil xp) but its confusing why that was done when 20 coins = 1 xp now, so its probably something to do with those differences during the migration

Some people’s xp were divided by a little more than 50 and some peoples were divided by a little less than 50 during the migration so that might’ve also been a problem


:nerd_face: :point_up:

“ummm actually” :nerd_face:

Yeah, no. People need to stop doing this.

Do not do that. coolguy’s just providing an answer to a question. You gotta change your attitude if you just choose to respond to people using math and reasoning with a nerd emoji.

If you’re not able to understand it, don’t reply to it at all. That’s better than responding with something as meaningless as a nerd emoji, which contributes nothing to the discussion.

Be mature, be respectful, and be better.

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