Gg boys, your public enemy #1 was caught

gg boys, we were caught, Tirell was DN…

i want to say some things before i deactivate this account

  • you guys are very exclusive lol. the image above says it all. how are you guys allowing this to happen? it was obvious Tirell spoke in a way that was similar to how a quote-on-quote ghetto person speaks, and we were insulted so many times because of this. i thought this community was about inclusivity? this is really sad, especially since these jokes came from your guy’s community leader @prookl itself. this game isn’t going to go far if you don’t actually take the initiative, especially since half your community told Tirell to quit just bc he said that he was the “best” player in the game and just by acting a little cocky. how are you guys going to get new players, especially since some people here will shut them down. yeah, DN kills people all the time, but at least we don’t shut them down verbally. there needs to be some moderation in this community, and definitely never let @prookl get power in this community, he will be a catalyst in the death of this game eventually.
  • less important thing but the tierlists are so rigged lol. at most Tirell was put at an “A” even though like half the S tier players were involved in all gameplay lol

to everybody we “offended,” our apologies.
Tirell out

i was moderator in erth2 beta but didnt get power again so ??

also you’re literally a dev for this game why don’t you just Ip ban me or punish people who shut down noobs so much lmfao.

I mostly observe the community but I won’t lie it was his own fault acting cocky gets annoying fast and also not all new players are cocky

I am fine with the way he speaks it is funny when not angry

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are you a developer???

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me personally i have never shut anyone down verbally

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realmz was never about inclusivity :+1:

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THAT IS A HUGE LIE 7CLAPPZ shuts every one down if i had a nickle for every time he shut me down id have like 700 dollars

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hes made like 70 people on erth2 and combined quit
like all the new players and aidenw

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and me for a while but i came back

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I have absolutely no idea what you’re saying :thinking:

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i was the holy hammer guy