Giveaway from Parasite and 0Player

Bergice has already done one giveaway but there are still some more giveaways from Parasite and 0Player. Comment, upvote, and subcomment (reply to comments).

Parasites giveaway: If we reach 60 comments on itch, i will donate a premium account that bergice can donate to a random person that commented!

0Players giveaway: If the first 30 comments reach each at least 10 qualifying sub- comments, then I will donate a premium Account for a random sub-commenter, which bergice needs to determine!

qualifying in terms of: no random replies like β€œme”, single letters or not related things, also not just copy-paste text or something not related to the game. It has to be gamerelated and comment related!

It includes every qualified sub-commenter once! But if one of the top 30 posts happens to reach more sub comments, then each of the sub commenters will be taken into accounts! No exclusions after reaching the limit on a comment!

0Players second giveaway: for the 100 th unique and qualifying commentator(which also upvotes the main post) will be donated by me and bergice has to determine the person!

You will qualify if you upvote and comment.
It will NOT including sub comments! only real normal comments!
You got 1 Month time to reach the goal!

Here is the link. Global Launch! - Release Announcements -

Note that I am not in charge of these giveaways. Bergice, Parasite, and 0Player are. I am just notifing people here. :smiley:


FYI, the giveaway (premium) is the full version of the game which normally costs $10 USD.

Commented, good luck everyone!


also commented

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is all of the lurkers community in the discord?

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Giv me the stuf