How come nobody beat Barthos yet

Yesterday I got 2,800 coins in a game why am I not in this spot? That guy only got 2,603? @gautam please fix this security exploit

2,606,354 coins you mean. As in 2 million coins, which is insane lol.

Yes but I got 2 million 800 coins?

You said 2,800 coins which means 2 thousand coins, 8 hundred coins.

Barthos here got 2 million, 606 thousand, 354 coins.

Do you have proof?

You mean do hazaar aat sou?

do hazaar aat sou = 2,800 in hindi

Average gautam alt

Because I don’t have the motivation yet

Do it bruh I’ll give you 1m gems no joke

Dude I beat Barthos 1v1…but before I did I died about 4 times to him.

I eventually learn a player’s game style and usually beat them sooner or later.

mfs who got diff combos for diff people (I’m one of them:

I dont think he knows his place values

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