How does Acol have so many spots on the leaderboard?

The LeaderBoard is Glitching
Here are some screenshots:

What is Going ON!?!

Oh… that’s not a glitch lol


whats going on then?

thats just acol superiority

hes better then all of us at grinding

yes he is bro is the goat

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i meant why is everyone named Acol

I already know who he is

@Acol what did you do?

HMM seems sus tbh

The leaderboard displayes multiple records per person.

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These are the records for coins in a game. Click total coins to see the other one.

It’s individual games, he’s just the best.

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That is Individual games, each record is a game Acol played.

Usually the totals and XP categories are totaled, while other stats are per induvidual game


Hello Your Majaesty :crown:

Kinda Makes Sense i was just curious

its real