How I think that Swordbattle's future will turn out (In users)

  • 0 - 35k users:
  • 36k - 49k
  • 50k - 74k (This is where games typically get their fan service at):
    Fandom webpage
    {only if coder says it can happen (not sure yet)} Lore starts being Implemented
  • 75k - 99k
    The hype to 100k begins
    it attracts tons, making 100k come quicker
  • 100k - 124k
    Small youtubers and Swordbattle-only youtubers begin playing for views
    Ost (maybe)
  • 125k - 149k
    Fan projects would begin
    Fan Subreddits would begin popping up
  • 150k - 999k
    Acol loses 1 (I saw this because of trends, this is also if he doesn’t leave)
  • 1m+
    Game theory {If theories}
    Game starts to be played by decently large Youtubers (1m - 3m sub YTers) and SB Youtubers gain major traction
    {VERY LOW CHANCE, VERY, VERY, VERY, LOW} SB loses it’s title as an IO game as it breaks all the steryotypes of IO games, making people think that it is “Too good for that status”, giving birth to Swordbattle,com

OBV there are some errors lol


Theres already half of this stuff

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I said there would be errors

also i checked and nothing from 50k - 74k has happened soo

50-75k yes there has

There already A famdom

Where? (I’m talking about the website)

Oh nvm it was a wiki not a fandom

where wiki?

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